Until now, we would plan a trip once a year (if we could) to go see a Cubs game in Chicago. Now that we live here, it's a wee bit easier. So far, Damian has been to three games and Ashley has been to two. And the season has just begun...
The first game of the year for Damian was the second game of the year for the Cubs. It was against the Brewers and they lost. So we will move right along.
The first game that we both attended was against the 'stros. That was a win! We went for Steve Davis' (someone we went to high school with) birthday. We got to Murphy's Bleachers before they opened and managed to get a choice spot at a table on the outside patio right along the street so we could enjoy a few Old Styles before the game.
Dante' always seemed to be hovering around the beer...
Until he passed out.

Kerry Wood going for the save


Then we went to Tigger's house?

Dante' managed to rally for beer pong
Then we went to Tuesday's game against the Reds. It was the first time back for both Dusty Baker and Correy Patterson. There were a few boos. Maybe a lot.

View from our bleacher seats

Visual proof that we did indeed attend the game
Cubs win again!