It makes me sad to look at those pictures of the kid's room.
It looked like that for just about one week.
Now the fantastic rug is rolled up and piled on the bookcase/window seat. All that beautiful floor space is full of guitars, amplifiers, a 15-year-old TV/VCR combo, a futon mattress cover ... I could go on. In other words, it's a junk room. Again.
D's highly evolved nesting instinct has kicked into overdrive and he needed to get the
other guest room painted, like, IMMEDIATELY. The good news is, he's nearly done. I'm typing to the dulcet tones of the power drill as he tries to fix the outlets in that room (ugh, the outlets in this house could not be more screwed up). The glitter is off the ceiling, the walls and trim are done. Hopefully by this weekend things will be back in their rightful place in their rightful rooms.
Or the garbage.
The only big change to the nursery is that D got the kid a mattress yesterday. Those of you concerned that we really were going to use Maggie's dog bed (and you know who you are) can rest easy.
The 31-week photo is coming. Soon. Monsieur Photographer just took it a few minutes ago (against the spanking new gray walls of the upstairs guest room). Pregnancy-wise, things are going well. I've mostly found the third trimester to be MUCH better than the second. Whoever decided the second was the golden trimester? I felt like crap for most of that one. The first was better than the second, and the third is better than both. The belly is still threatening to take over the world. At my 30-week appointment, I was measuring at 33 weeks. Yikes! Don't get excited, though. The kid isn't coming early. Nor is the kid particularly big. I have to go in tomorrow for an ultrasound to make sure, but I expect they'll find exactly what they found the last time I was measuring big: an average size kid and a woman carrying it entirely out front. It's moving nearly constantly and the movements have gone from thumps to more like the kid is stretching and rolling and shoving things. The (giant) belly changes shape about every minute or so. Last night, it had a definite point. A knee? An elbow? A conehead? Who knows.
Special note for my mom: I felt hiccups for the first time last week. D and I were confused at first about what it was doing. Why were the kicks so rhythmic? Then I remembered that my mom mentioned being able to feel hiccups and how weird it was. She wasn't kidding.