Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hunter Ice Festival

We went to Niles this past weekend to brave the elements and attend the 2009 Hunter Ice Festival.  We have never been so this was a first.  I am pleased to say that we were happily entertained.  There was a lot to see and do during the day and night.  It was also fairly well attended even though it was quite cold.

Here are a few of the ice sculptures.

Here you can see Ashley won king of the hill.

Here is a shot I took of my beautiful (and pregnant) wife drooling over some baked goods.

1 comment:

Gabe, Megan, Oscar and Rory said...

Damian, I love the shot of Ash at the window! It helps me to forgive you for not posting the much anticipated belly pic. :)

Ashley, did you fog the window up!?!? Awesome.