Sunday, April 19, 2009

The nursery project continues

We spent all day cleaning house and working on the small spare bedroom so I don't feel like writing much.  Although I am proud to say we are now 100% wallpaper and glitter ceiling free!  More on that later.  But I wanted to post these pictures we took last weekend showing how the nursery is coming along.  It is definitely starting to look like a nursery now!

This bookshelf thing also doubles as a window seat!

Maggie is a big fan of the rug we bought for the nursery.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The week 27 belly

Just a quick post before we hit the road to Wisconsin.  I wanted to post the week 27 belly shot since it's, you know, still week 27.  Thought a little timeliness would be nice for a change.

Friday, April 10, 2009


This is what you get when you put 3+ pounds of mussels in front of Damian, Jason, and I--a huge pile of empty shells (with Jason's wineglass in there for scale).

I only wish we had captured Jason then drinking the leftover broth directly from the cast iron dutch oven.

It's Not Always Sunny In Philadelphia ...

... but it's still a pretty good time.

For my spring break last week, I decided to road trip it to the Philly 'burbs to visit the Lunas. I hadn't met Rory yet and hadn't seen Megan in almost two years. Inexcusable. So I loaded up on gas, audiobooks, and honey roasted peanuts and hit the road on a snowy, crappy morning.

Megan and I had a great time catching up and swapping advice. She taught me how to make yogurt in my crock pot, I introduced her to new hair products. We took Oscar and Rory to the zoo on a chilly Monday and devised a silly outfit for O to wear to preschool in honor of April Fools on Thursday.

Megan also hooked me up with some baby gear that her kids have outgrown: a bouncer, a bucket carseat, a jumper ... tons of stuff. I'm so happy to have this stuff, but it's a little unnerving to have a jumper in the dining room and the bucket somehow makes it seem ... real? Soon? CRAZY?

Here are some pics from the trip:

Rory was largely unimpressed with the zoo, but was pretty happy to hang out in the beco carrier with Megan. I took this picture as we were walking and she was smiling and giggling, but stopped for the split-second the camera clicked EVERY TIME.

Oscar, on the other hand, LOVED it.

He was especially into the lions, who were all up against the glass and really close to us, and the snakes.

And here is the finished silly dress day outfit:

Oscar only responds to America's Next Top Model-type direction. This is what you get when you tell him to "show me crrraaazzzy!"