Obviously that height does not come from his mother.
Liam is such a content little guy. He spends his awake time looking around with giant eyes, taking everything in. He's very snuggly and loves to be in our arms, against our chests, or draped over our laps. He is a great sleeper, too. Usually only waking us a couple of times a night. If we can time his bedtime and eating right, he'll only wake once.
He's very busy working on all of the things that one-month-olds work on. He can hold his head up for a little while and he is *this* close to real smiles (instead of those as he drifts off to sleep or fills his diaper). And, of course, he spends a lot of time holding court with adoring grandparents and other fans.
We are having such a good time with him. We have been trying to get out with him often. We've taken him out to eat a few times, went to see the new Harry Potter movie at the drive in on D's birthday, took in the classic car show in downtown Wheaton, toured some World War II planes, and checked out the Geneva Arts Fair. He loves car rides, his strollers, and our slings and carriers. That makes it very easy to take him places.
One thing he doesn't like is when I try to eat. As soon as there is a plate of food in front of me, he is awake and needs to eat (even if he just finished). I've decided this is the REAL reason women lose weight when nursing. He's also not a fan of diaper changes or having his arms swaddled. As soon as we wrap him up, he grunts and wiggles until he can pop his arms out of the swaddle.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from Liam's first month:
Watching Regis and Kelly. He loves those two! (This is a current shot.)
Thinking ...
Ready for a toga party, or: testing out his J-Lo Halloween costume.
Close-up with baby acne.
I can't tell you how precious he is! But of course you know:) Seriously, it could just be the hormones in me, but I was just crying looking at those sweet pictures. Enjoy this time, it goes sooooo fast!
Love all the pictures! You guys all look great. Thanks for sharing.
He sounds like a great baby, but I also think you and D are setting the tone with realistic expectations. I love that you said he sleeps when you do bedtime right instead of "ACK! What crazy voodoo is required to get this baby to sleep!?!"
What an adorable little baby! Great postings and I may be consulting you for advice on blog management and other parenting tips! Liam is soooooo cute!
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