Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Beginning of the End

We've had two huge milestones in the last week. Last Saturday, after one of his usual pre-milestone long naps, Liam woke up with things to say. He's been babbling like crazy since. We haven't captured any video but we'll try to soon.

Along with the babbling has been an increase in laughing. He's been laughing for a few months, but only when we gobble his belly or tickle his thighs. This week he started laughing on his own. Wednesday night he was in his swing, zoning out after dinner and he turned his head to look at me and started laughing. His laugh is pretty much the greatest sound in the world.

The second milestone, God help us, is forward motion. Liam started scooting backward maybe a month ago and has been doing the 360 roll to get around for a while longer than that. Maybe two weeks ago he started pulling himself onto all fours and rocking back and forth. This week, he began pulling himself across the floor, army crawl style. He looks like a really, really cute inchworm. I figure it is only a matter of (very, very little) time before he puts the rocking on all fours and the army crawl together into a little racing real crawl.

Note to self: buy baby gates.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Oh no!!! He's going to take over the house (because he hasn't already, right?).
He's so cute!!! Can't wait to hear him talk.