Our kid:
- has 4 molars
- calls both D and I "da da" (though when referring to D, he uses a harder DA-DA)
- has an awesome sense of humor and has started cracking jokes
- gives kisses, hugs, and high fives on request
- is a little mimic and tries to repeat everything we say: good boy, that guy, CAT!!!, bath, ball, waffle, blueberry, milk, MOREFREAKINGWAFFLE, book
- loves to dance. I can't tell you how much this kid loves to dance.
- and finally, Liam is, as of this week, walking.
Video proof of that (and his love of putting things in their place).
Bringing the bowl:
Putting it back:
And some more funny videos from tonight:
What a difference 1 month makes!
Are you sure he doesn't already have is driver's license? When did he become a teenager?
Sounds like a rough month...yikes! But, the videos are fabulous. Rory is sitting here with me, and she is smitten. :)
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