Sunday, January 8, 2012

The New Kid

I think all of you know by now that Team Dockery has recruited a new member. We are expecting him or her** to join us at the end of April. The lack of belly pictures might suggest otherwise, but we are really, really excited.

**I know this will piss some of you off, but we are not finding out the sex. Again.

Here, in sort of chronological order, are the pictures we have so far:


November 27, 2011. 19 weeks. Yes, that is toothpaste all over the mirror. (I was also taking some thank you pictures for a friend who send me some knitted goods. I don't normally wear gloves in the bathroom.)

20 Week Ultrasound

20 Week Ultrasound 2

December 6, 2011. 20 week ultrasound. Standing right next to me at the time is the only person in the world who knows whether this kid is a boy or a girl. Is it killing you?

Baby #2 24 Weeks

January 8, 2012 (Today! It's like you're right here with me.). 24 weeks. Special sneak preview of the baby's room.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Wow! Am I seeing a little nose and ear? The baby looks so big already.