Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Ok. Yeah. I know.

I promised an update once Gav had his two month well check.

Here's the thing, though: that was the day before we went to Michigan for three days. First time traveling with baby and preschooler. I had to prepare for a stay in a hotel, at grandparents, a visit to the beach, and a dish to pass. (See how I linked to that recipe for those of you who loved it?) There were all sorts of crazy packing and to-do lists swirling in my head and OMGDONOTFORGETTHEFREAKINGFRUITSNACKS.

So there was that. Then when we got back, I couldn't find the info sheets from the pediatrician with his stats (and I do not remember. LD had his 3 year while Gav had his 2 month. Chaotic doesn't begin to describe it.)

But! Dear readers, for you? I will make something up.

Gav is 24 inches long. For real. Nice even 2 feet was easy to remember. He weighs somewhere between 10 and 50 pounds. I'd guess on the lower end, but sometimes when I'm hauling him around in his car seat (in 100-degree heat), I'm pretty sure it's closer to 50.

Totally healthy and growing. His weight was still around 50th percentile and his length around 80th. Took his 4(!) shots like a total champ.

As for LD, he's also doing great. He's caught up on the percentile charts and is close to 50th for height and weight (he has always hovered in the teens and twenties).

Aaaaaand, pictures!


Blurry little thumb-sucker. 


Gav finds running with mama VERY stimulating.


Speed Demon (would be more convincing if the trike didn't have a parent push handle) 


Looking a little like Uncle Graham 


Life will wear a brotha out. 


On the big slide at Taste of Wheaton.



Crabby butt.

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