Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Almost 30 weeks

Alternate title: "You're not due until WHEN?!?"

2nd Alternate: Yes, I'm sure there's only one.

Just to blow your mind, look how little and cute my belly was at week 31 with Liam. Whatever. D and I are convinced that this kid is planking; the belly often sticks straight out. I am legion and I look it.

In other news, I flunked my 1-hour glucose challenge, but passed the 3-hour beautifully (which is really 4 hours on top of 12 hours of fasting. I COULD NOT GET TO McDONALD'S FAST ENOUGH.) So no gestational diabetes for me. Everything else is great, which is to say that I'm miserable and uncomfortable, just the way I should be.


Mimi said...

Thanks for giving us a new "view" of the Babe. She/He looks smaller than Liam, to me. You look beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You are Beautifully Breathtaking!!