Monday, February 27, 2012

Bumbo Growth-O-Meter: Month Thirty-Two

LD ran into the room that he, just tonight, christened "Tiny Baby's Room," and plopped himself into the Bumbo.


Apologies for the crappy quality. Sometimes my phone takes nice pictures, sometimes not. But the kid NEVER sits still long enough for me to get a real camera.

We've come a long way from this:


And all of the Growth-O-Meter posts:

One Month

Two Months

Threeish Months

4.5 Months

1 comment:

Mimi said...

My gosh! Liam has changed so much since mid January. He looks like a big boy now. Is that a new haircut?

Baby Dockery has grown alot, too. Looks like she/he is now partially under your rib cage. Hope you are not too uncomfortable!