Wednesday, August 1, 2007

DHL is ruining my life.

I think that DHL might be the most incompetent company in business today. For a company that we have never used for our shipping needs, they have still managed to cause the following headaches:

1. They tried to deliver a computer to us that wasn't ours and wasn't addressed to us. And I don't mean it didn't have our names on it, I mean it didn't have the same number or street. I have NO IDEA how they ended up at our door. So we sent them away. They came back when we weren't there and got our neighbors to sign for it. Then we had this laptop on our kitchen floor for several weeks until D decided to drive it to the address that was clearly written on the label. Good thing one of us has a conscience. I was going to leave it there until DHL asked for it back.

2. DHL man ran over our mailbox. He wasn't delivering anything to us, but still managed to drive into our tree lawn and knock over our mailbox.

3. As I mentioned before, Cook County screwed up my certification paperwork (they claim they never received it, even though they called me with questions about it). So I've been scrambling to get my transcripts from K and U of M so I can reapply in a competent county. I overnighted my request to K on Saturday and they overnighted my transcripts on Monday. But they used DHL. I called K and got the tracking number. DHL says that it was delivered yesterday. In Lisle. WE ARE IN FREAKING LOMBARD. AAHH. I called DHL and they will be bringing the package to me here today (yes, verified the address and everything) and I made them refund the overnight shipping fee to K.**)

**I would like to say that I love my college. For "rush" handling of transcript requests, they charge a fee. They sent my check for this fee back because they were "doing transcripts Monday anyway."

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