Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Best Part of Watching Top Chef ...

... is watching Liam watch Top Chef.

We figured out that he really liked it when they interviewed the chefs and their faces filled the screen. He was trying to talk to them like he does to us. The colorful food shots were also a hit with him.


It's been a while since we posted new videos. So, uh, I thought I'd ease back into it by posting some old videos. Both of these are from August. At least they're new to you!

Here's our boy working his rattle:

(The opening is me questioning whether the Penn State players should really be dumping ice water on Joe Paterno. They're certain to short-circuit his pacemaker.)

And here's Liam channeling Stevie Wonder in his swing. We have no idea what made him do this that day.

Milestones are Lots of Work

In the past 24 hours, Liam has been awake for exactly 6. When he woke up from his 18 hours of slumber, he could suddenly roll from his back to his front perfectly and with so little effort that it looks like he's been doing it forever.

(In this case, "forever" = 4 months.)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


On Saturday, we took Liam and his runny nose to the pumpkin farm. As usual, he mostly looked around and took it all in. We got him the most perfect pumpkin. Sometime this week we're going to wrap his chubby fist around a knife so he can carve it.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Cold

Boo. Liam has a cold.

He's being a total champ about it, though. He's as smiley as ever, but a little more whiny than usual. His appetite is not so hot, but, thankfully, he's still sleeping. Just not right now. Right now I'm listening to him as he's laying in his crib. It sounds like this: babble babble groan babble babble sneeze babble babble moan babble snort babble whine.

We propped up one end of his mattress and are using the snot snorgler to clear out his nose. We'll probably be making a trip out later to get a humidifier for him, once I sort out all of the choices. Hot? Cold? Vicks vapor compatible? WTH?

So Liam and I are just hanging out at home. I'm watching ET because that's what I watch when I'm sick. Maybe it will make Liam feel better, too. D is at a class at the church we're thinking about joining.

In other illness news, D and I got our swine flu vaccines on Friday night. Hopefully that will help keep our little guy safe since it seems to be everywhere around here--kids dying, schools closing. Scary.

Here's poor sick little man, getting some rest with Emmit the lovey.

Sleeping off a cold

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I think I've got them all.

The last of the September pictures. See them all here.


Cashed in the Boppy


At the fountain in Adams Park, downtown Wheaton



Best Friday night ever.


Elfin Ear

We try not to let our kid be the stinky kid at day care. He gets a real bath every few days and every morning we use a washcloth on his head, neck, and hands. He still ends up with sticky ears and sometimes, when he sleeps or lays on it, his right ear folds over on itself and stays that way.

It scared the hell out of me the first time I saw it.

Elfin Ear

(In our defense, this ear didn't feel sticky. Even right after I took this picture ...)

Friday, October 23, 2009

More September Pictures

I knew there had to be more pictures from September somewhere. D and I found them on his computer tonight.

These were taken with an actual camera! Yay!

Dockery Luna

The Lunas!


Getting to know his Great-Aunt Sue


He really does like that lion a lot ...


Oh, look! Another faceplant.



Uses bath time to really think about life


Bumbo Growth-o-Meter: Month Threeish

Liam was a total pill when I was trying to take the bumbo pics this month. He was WAY too busy to sit still or look at me. So this is more like a series of outtakes ...

Months one and two are here and here for comparison.






Three Months

We are back online. Sweet, sweet internet connection. How we missed you.

Seeing as how Liam is almost 4 months old, we thought it was time to get the three month pictures up. It was, apparently, kind of a crap month picture-wise. Maybe we were too busy enjoying his awesomeness firsthand to bother reaching for the camera. I promise you though, we are getting better at balancing adoration with our eyes and adoration with the camera, and our kid has given us some CUTE pictures for the 4 month post.

So, I think I've talked it down enough. Hopefully, your expectations are suitably lowered. Here are the photos from Liam's third month with us. Several ... uh ... make that most of these were taken with our phones. Who knows what happened to our cameras this month.


Waiting for us to make the coffee really takes it out of Liam.

Watching the Bears with D.

He was really sleeping like this.

9.20.09 001

9.20.09 008


The night we took our babies to the bar. (We were trying to go to a wine festival, but it was too crowded. We opted for the bar. Good Parenting 101.)

9.20.09 004


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Not our kid ...

... but we wish we'd thought of it. It's beyond awesome.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

That picture down yon

That picture? The one below? That was a test blog post sent from my phone. Obviously it worked, unlike our modem/router.

But now, words!

Liam loves orange. Ever since his very first days at home, we noticed that he's drawn to orange things (and suddenly all of D's and my orange clothes are getting a lot more wear). I think that people think we're crazy when we say that Liam has a favorite color at three months, but 'tis true, I swear it. And the outfit in that photo clinched it.

So, that adorable outfit was a gift from Liam's older-woman girlfriend Jane (and Jonnett and Scott). It's a little pre-Halloween goodness and we couldn't wait to put him in it. As expected, super cute. 

Now, another thing about Liam is that when he's on his back he always has his right fist in the air all baby Tommie Smith style. He doesn't really do anything with it. It's just up there and he goes about his business, babbling and smiling at us, fist held high. Yesterday morning, the fist was up as usual when Damian was getting him dressed on the changing table. Then the orange caught his eye and he could not take his eyes off of his sleeve. I wish we had a picture of that because he was so intent on that sleeve that his eyes were crossed. 

We get a report every day from daycare that tells us what he did that day. Usually the comments are like "Liam enjoyed playing with the blue ball!" or "Liam smiled and babbled at the other babies!" The comment from yesterday? "Liam enjoyed staring at his orange and white striped shirt."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Please stand by ...

We owe you, Constant Reader, a three-month post. However, we are
experiencing technical difficulties in the form of a DOA modem/router.
