Friday, October 23, 2009

Three Months

We are back online. Sweet, sweet internet connection. How we missed you.

Seeing as how Liam is almost 4 months old, we thought it was time to get the three month pictures up. It was, apparently, kind of a crap month picture-wise. Maybe we were too busy enjoying his awesomeness firsthand to bother reaching for the camera. I promise you though, we are getting better at balancing adoration with our eyes and adoration with the camera, and our kid has given us some CUTE pictures for the 4 month post.

So, I think I've talked it down enough. Hopefully, your expectations are suitably lowered. Here are the photos from Liam's third month with us. Several ... uh ... make that most of these were taken with our phones. Who knows what happened to our cameras this month.


Waiting for us to make the coffee really takes it out of Liam.

Watching the Bears with D.

He was really sleeping like this.

9.20.09 001

9.20.09 008


The night we took our babies to the bar. (We were trying to go to a wine festival, but it was too crowded. We opted for the bar. Good Parenting 101.)

9.20.09 004


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