Wednesday, October 14, 2009

That picture down yon

That picture? The one below? That was a test blog post sent from my phone. Obviously it worked, unlike our modem/router.

But now, words!

Liam loves orange. Ever since his very first days at home, we noticed that he's drawn to orange things (and suddenly all of D's and my orange clothes are getting a lot more wear). I think that people think we're crazy when we say that Liam has a favorite color at three months, but 'tis true, I swear it. And the outfit in that photo clinched it.

So, that adorable outfit was a gift from Liam's older-woman girlfriend Jane (and Jonnett and Scott). It's a little pre-Halloween goodness and we couldn't wait to put him in it. As expected, super cute. 

Now, another thing about Liam is that when he's on his back he always has his right fist in the air all baby Tommie Smith style. He doesn't really do anything with it. It's just up there and he goes about his business, babbling and smiling at us, fist held high. Yesterday morning, the fist was up as usual when Damian was getting him dressed on the changing table. Then the orange caught his eye and he could not take his eyes off of his sleeve. I wish we had a picture of that because he was so intent on that sleeve that his eyes were crossed. 

We get a report every day from daycare that tells us what he did that day. Usually the comments are like "Liam enjoyed playing with the blue ball!" or "Liam smiled and babbled at the other babies!" The comment from yesterday? "Liam enjoyed staring at his orange and white striped shirt."


Scott and Jonnett said...

So proud that we could provide Liam with an entire day filled with entertainment. Miss you guys already!

Nicole said...

He would like this blog then: